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Uploading jobs from Numbers or Google Sheets

We use Macs so I only have Numbers.  Can I use Numbers or Google Sheets rather than Excel to upload my jobs




Yes you can upload using Google Sheets or Numbers.  You can open or import our template into Google Sheets or Numbers and then add your jobs in the correct format (see uploading multiple jobs in our support section for step-by-step instructions).

Once you are happy with the details, save the file as an xlsx file using the following steps

In Google Sheets

Important: First, delete any empty rows by highlighting them, right clicking and choosing Delete rows n-n

  • Click File
  • Click Download as
  • Click Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Your file will be saved down to your computer.

In Apple Numbers

Important: First, delete any empty rows by highlighting them, right clicking and choosing Delete Rows

  • Click File
  • Click Export to
  • Click Excel...
  • In the window that opens, check the box for Excel Worksheets: One per sheet, and
  • Click Next...
  • IN the Save as window, enter a file name
  • Click Export

Your file will be saved down to your computer.

You can then upload your file into Okappy using the steps outlined in our article -  uploading multiple jobs
